לוגו של ממשק

A new world of experience
teaching and learning.
Easy to teach and fun to learn :)

The digital space that combines advanced, playful and interactive teaching and learning technologies and offers you and your students a friendly and unique user experience

join now
תמונה שמכילה את המילה ממשק צבועה

From the educational technologies interface MimshakUp You are probably familiar with Meshek... Meshek has been leading processes for improving teaching and learning for over a decade. through the application of advanced and interactive educational technologies. Technologies based on an innovative pedagogical concept for experiential learning in a variety of areas of knowledge mediated by the teacher, in the plenary class, in groups of students and individual work.

תמונה של רשת תמונה של עיגול תמונה של סמיילי תמונה של סמיילים עולים
תמונה המביעה על AI
תמונה המביעה על מגוון של תכני למידה
תמונה המביעה על על עריכת וניהול תוכן

The pedagogical principles that guide us

תמונה של שלושה סמיילים מחייכים

The MimshakUp interface provides you with your own personal area, for creative management of learning content, for collecting segmented data for decision-making, for creating teaching sequences for each class and for adding resources and links according to your needs. This way your students will benefit from adapted learning, alone or in a group in a variety of ways and levels of difficulty and plenty of hints and strategies for independent coping.

תמונה של שני סמיילים מחייכים

The MimshakUp interface is a social-professional community. Within it you can edit content units from the rich catalog, create new and original content units yourself and share them with your colleagues and students. In addition, you will find built-in tools for cooperative learning in the MimshakUp interface, with suggestions for teaching and assessment.

צורות שונות - ריבוע, משולש, מעגל

MimshakUp provides you with your own personal area, for creative management of learning content, for collecting segmented data for decision-making, for creating teaching sequences for each class and adding resources and links according to your needs. This way your students will benefit from adapted learning, alone or in a group in a variety of ways and levels of difficulty and plenty of hints and strategies for independent coping.

Create a rich world of content, teaching sequences and resources

The MimshakUp interface provides you with a wide variety of tools and means for creating teaching, learning, assessment units and building a sequence of topics in different fields of knowledge, which serve your teaching and learning program. This way you can create teaching sequences and lesson plans and enjoy full flexibility in the mix of content and the way of studying.

Create unique and experiential
learning content yourself

With the help of the friendly content editor of the MimshakUp interface, you will easily edit content and create innovative, playful and interactive teaching units yourself, according to the learning cycle. At each stage, you can implement various means to encourage the interaction between students and information: text, images, videos, multimedia, and more, which will make the teaching processes more effective and provide students with an optimal learning experience.

We planned the teaching processes
and make data-driven decisions

The UP interface collects in a secure and protected manner information about the actions you have performed and the students' performance in the units and activities you assigned them and provides you with detailed and friendly reports on student performance. The artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities integrated into the UP interface, Contribute to continuous improvement in the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

תמונת אביב אייקון משולש שחור
Natural phenomena in spring



תמונת קטגוריית מבנה מערכת הרבייה אייקון משולש שחור
The structure of the reproductive system and its function in plants



תמונה שמביעה על האנרגייה אייקון משולש שחור
Energy - summary



תמונת פרחים אייקון משולש שחור
winter flowers



תמונה המביעה על האנרגייה אייקון משולש שחור
Energy - summary



מארי קירי אייקון משולש שחור
Marie Curie



צמח עם אור אייקון משולש שחור
Use in plants



Create the catalog of study units that is adapted exactly for you

Here are some examples that we created for experimentation and inspiration

Entry to the catalog